
Ms Sql X64 Odbc 32 Foxpro

  1. Ms Sql X64 Odbc 32 Foxpro File
  2. Ms Sql X64 Odbc 32 Foxpro 10

At least the ODBC failure reported 'DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application' which provides a bit more information. It worked fine for MySQL 32 bit ODBC drivers but not for another MS product. Maybe MS is trying to force people to buy SQL server. Jan 19, 2017  Microsoft Visual FoxPro is a powerful object-oriented environment for database construction and application development. The Microsoft Visual FoxPro ODBC Driver enables applications to open, query, and update data in Visual FoxPro and earlier versions of FoxPro through the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface.

I've created a report ins SSRS (BIDS) on a MS SQL Server 2008 R2 server and linked to visual foxpro tables without a problem, while debugging and reviewing the report in VS 2008 (BIDS). After I deploy the report to RS folder and run it in the browser thereport is crashing on.An error has occurred during report processing.

(rsProcessingAborted).Cannotcreate a connection to data source 'COMPMDBC'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection).The 'VFPOLEDB.1' provider is not registered on the local machine.I've tried all the methods of registering the vfp driver/provider using regsvr32 and regsvr32 in WOW64, both came up successful but no change.XL also links to the foxpro datatables on the server no problem.Any help would be much appreciated. So, to cut a long story short, I'm completely stuffed and will not be able to proceed with running a report on an x64 report server linking to a foxpro 32bit driver. Both the ODBC and OLE DB drivers had the same error. At least the ODBC failurereported 'DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application' which provides a bit more information.It worked fine for MySQL 32 bit ODBC drivers but not for another MS product.

Maybe MS is trying to force people to buy SQL server.Thanks for your help Naomi and Olaf - seems this problem will remain unresolved. I had a similar problem. To which I have found a solution.I am trying to connect an SSRS 2012 report to a SQL 2000 data source. This works in BIDS by selecting 'OLE DB' as the connection type in the data source, then using SQL Server Native Client 10.0 as the OLE DB Provider.However this connection string does not work on my Report Manger server (64 bit).

I get 'The 'SQLNCLI10.1' provider is not registered on the local machine'I typed in the following provider manually in the connection string:Provider=SQLOLEDB.1.and it worked. Perhaps OLE DB will work for you? I am not sure, I don't no anything about visual foxpro. SSorry for my English:))In our company we are use specific soft that import/export data only in DBF files with foxpro.After replacement sql Server to x 64bit we have the same problem with foxpro driver.Here is my solution.1.

Ms Sql X64 Odbc 32 Foxpro File

Foxpro odbc connection string

You will need Advantage OLE DB provider2. Now you have Advantage OLE DB provider driver wich can work with foxpro DBF files under SQL Server.3. Script to add linkedServer for foxpro dbf filesEXEC master.dbo.spaddlinkedserver @server = N'LINKEDTEST', @srvproduct=N'Advantage OLE DB', @provider=N'Advantage OLE DB Provider', @datasrc=N'C:filder with DBF', @provstr=N'ServerType=ADSLOCALSERVER; TableType=ADSVFP;'4. Now you can Read and Write data from your foxpro DBF files but you will need to use OPENQUERYSELECT.


Ms Sql X64 Odbc 32 Foxpro 10

FROM OPENQUERY(LINKEDTEST, 'SELECT. FROM dbffile')INSERT OPENQUERY (LINKEDTEST, 'SELECT. FROM dbffile')VALUES ('hello',1,2,'varchar','20140101','20140101',3,4,5,'hello').