
Morrowind Fighters Guild Quests

The Mages Guild quests after 'A Mage's Staff' should not be completed until Level 30. The quest immediately after 'A Mage's Staff' rewards you with the Spelldrinker Amulet. At Level 30, this item has a full 26 points of Spell Absorption. Dark Brotherhood quests should not be done until Level 30. The Bonuses you get for completing the missions. Morrowind:Fighters Guild Quests. The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995 Morrowind: Quests. Jump to: navigation, search. Fighters Guild Quests. Eydis Fire-Eye's Quests, Balmora Guild: Exterminator: Exterminate a few cave rats in a local Balmora house.

My Elder Scrolls Morrowind Gameplay on the OpenMW engine - the Fighters Guild quests. Morrowind is the third installment in the Elder Scrolls series.

On the fourth level, you'll be caught in a boss fight with Azani Blackheart. Once he's dead, search his body, and take the ring (and some other cool items you find on him, including full Elfish armor and a great sword called Sinweaver) to give it back to your buddy Modryn. You'll be promoted to the rank of Warder. The FugitivesContract from: Burz gro-KhashRank: WarderBurz tells you to kill some fugitives that have been terrorizing Bravil. Go to that city and ask somebody about the bandits. When his disposition is at around 65, you'll know that they are hiding in Bloodmayne Cave.The cave is divided into 2 levels, and there are 2 fugitives on each one. Save for them, you won't find anything of interest in there.

When you kill them all, go back to the guild. The Wandering ScholarContract from: AzzanRank: WarderYou have to go to Brittlerock Cave and help Elante to conduct her research there. It's a very simple task, just follow her around the cave and kill everything that threatens her (there are some Daedra in there). At the end of the cave, you'll find the shrine she was looking for, and you'll be free to leave. There is a second level of this cave, but you don't have to go there at all.


Go to Azzan to receive your reward. Trolls of the Forsaken MineContract from: Modryn OreynRank: GuardianSome guild members are lost in Forsaken Mine, south of Leyawiin. You'll find some bodies of both Guild and Blackwood warriors, and on the second level - the body of your colleague Viranus Donton. There's a journal nearby, pick it up. It turns out that the Blackwood Company attacked the Guild! Go back to Modryn to tell him the news.

The Fighters Guild, present across most of, provides a common and, more importantly, public place of training, study, and employment for those of a martial persuasion. The guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries, protect commerce, capture or drive away beasts, and similar security duties. Guild halls can take on a contract from any citizen, provided it does not conflict with the laws or customs of the region.The Guild gained greater prominence at the beginning of the under. Guild Stewards are entrusted with receiving and dispensing contracts to Guild members, hearing complaints about the servicing of said contracts, promotions, and determining the eligibility for re-admittance into the Guild of former members who had stolen from or assaulted other members.For more information, see the.In the guild maintains branches in,. It is possible to join the Guild in any of these places, but the most usual person to ask - and the only one who has quests suitable for the really green rookie - is of. is the current guildmaster, but there is bad blood between him and the former leader, , who is unhappy about the direction in which Sjoring is leading the Guild. Conflict has not yet broken out, but opinion is being polarised and nobody is quite sure which way to turn, or what Sjoring is really up to.The Fighters Guild is, naturally, on good terms with the and, friendly with the, have a working business relationship with and a healthy respect for the warrior-code of honor.

Contents.Joining the Morrowind Fighters Guild Joining the Fighters Guild is pretty simple: you just need to talk to the right people. There are five people in that can admit you to the Fighters Guild:.

in the lower level of the in. in the upper level of the in., in the in (two levels below the and one level below the shrine) in., Master and Head of the Fighters Guild, located in the, found in the upper level of the in., also in the in.Chat with any of these characters about joining the Fighters Guild, and they will admit you as an Associate. Expelled from Fighters Guild If expelled from the Fighters Guild, speak with anyone ranked Warder or above, same as the ones you ask to join.

The Fighters guild is supposed to only let you make amends once. However, if you always choose the Join the Fighters Guild topic the variable does not get set, so you can rejoin indefinitely. This will stop working if you ever use the Make Amends topic to rejoin, as the join dialogue still checks the variable. Fighters Guild Ranks RankRequired AttributesRequired Skills0.

AssociateStrength 30 Endurance 30—1. ApprenticeStrength 30 Endurance 30One skill at 102. JourneymanStrength 30 Endurance 30One skill at 203. SwordsmanStrength 30 Endurance 30One skill at 30 and two at 54.

ProtectorStrength 30 Endurance 30One skill at 40 and two at 105. DefenderStrength 31 Endurance 31One skill at 50 and two at 156. WarderStrength 32 Endurance 32One skill at 60 and two at 207.

Morrowind Fighters Guild Ranks

GuardianStrength 33 Endurance 33One skill at 70 and two at 258. ChampionStrength 34 Endurance 34One skill at 80 and two at 309.

Morrowind Quest Conflicts

MasterStrength 35 Endurance 35One skill at 90 and two at 35Guild Conflicts There is a conflict between the Fighters Guild and the. This conflict appears during the quest for Eydis Fire-Eye in. Once you complete this quest, you will no longer be able to join the Thieves Guild. See the quest page for ways around this problem.

Fighters Guild Quests 's Quests, Guild.: Exterminate a few cave rats in a local Balmora house.: Get rid of two poachers in the Shulk Egg Mine.: Kill four Telvanni agents responsible for thefts in the Caldera Mine.: Retrieve a code book held by Sottilde at the South Wall Cornerclub in Balmora.: Collect some debt money from in.: Fulfill a bounty contract on an Orc living in Balmora.: Take care of some Orcs at a Daedric ruin for the Duke.: Kill the leader of a smuggler ring in Mannammu, southeast of Pelagiad.: Kill a who has defiled the Sarano Tomb.' S Quests, Guild.