
You Need Permission To Perform This Action

Nov 27, 2017  Command Prompt. The above command should have changed the user privileges to that of an administrator. After the computer has restarted, try to do the same thing that you did before you got that ‘you need permission to perform this action’ message. You will need to change the directory path to match your requirements e.g. “C: Locked Directory” to “C: Delete Me”. Right click on the file “delete.bat” select “Run As Administrator” and you should now have full control of the directory and all sub directories meaning you can do what you wish with them.

You Need Permission To Perform This ActionYou Need Permission To Perform This Action

Hi,I am stuck once again after copying alle my files from my old harddisk to the unraid system. I got stuck with files deleting or changing.What works is doing all of this using SSH / Telnet as root - but making any changes on the SMB Share under Windows 7/8 creates 'You need permissiont to perform this action.' Error.I already rebooted unraid.I ran the new permission script and the permissions are set correctly including the user and group.My share is set to public - which has no effect at all.I also set it to secure - created a user with RW access and mounted the drive with the users credentials - deleting or changin not working.I also ran chmod 0666 from command line but still the same.Reiserfscheck hasn't reported any issues.Thanks.

Dengan kapasitas yang lega tersebut Anda tidak perlu khawatir dengan jumlah karyawan yang banyak dan terus bertambah.Fingerspot 156BNC merupakan mesin absensi multiidentifikasi yang juga bisa digunakan sebagai akses kontrol ruangan. Fingerspot Revo-156BNC memiliki daya tampung yang besar, yakni 30.000 karyawan, real 100.000 sidik jari, 30.000 password, 30.000 kartu, dan data scan mencapai 200.000. Scan bisa menggunakan sidik jari, kartu, password, atau kombinasi. Cara kerja mesin absensi fingerspot facepro 200 (tcp/ip).

You Need Permission To Perform This Action

Well, I went through the nice tutorial as I have done so many times.When I try to move files from one computer to the next and set up Allway Sync for backup, I get the attached error message (please see snippet). And I shared both the 'From' and the 'Target' directories.Also did the whole 'Take Ownership' thingy per essenbe's (always) kind instructions.Note: If you have no life at all and absolutely nothing to do, Windows networking is a great way to while away your time.-Edit: I added a snippet of threads related to my problem.

Please rest assured that I read them.Edit #2: I have given Full Permission to everyone including the Dali Lama. The odd thing is I can copy files from B to A, but not from A to B as I need to.Edit: #3: OK, now I can file share BUT I must got to Computer B and open the directory on Computer A (via network) and select the directory that I want to copy from A to B. What I cannot do is what I want to do.I cannot copy from A to B directly. Therefore I can't set up my AllwaySync program to back up from A to B.

You Need Permission To Perform This Action Freenas

All settings (permissions and security) are the same on both Computer A and Computer B directories.-No wonder Bill Gates retired from Microsoft. Even he couldn't explain this!Gosh, I miss NT 4.0.