
Star Wars Maintenance Droid

  1. Star Wars Imperial Maintenance Droid

Between now and June 23, guests are limited to their four-hour reservation in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge, so if you are considering building your own droid be prepared that it will take a fairly large chunk of your time on Batuu. The line might look short as you approach the Droid Depot, but I promise you it moves extremely slow.

It's been 22 long years since we last saw our heroes on the big screen in Return of The Jedi. 18, one of the most - if not THE most -famous franchises in movie history is returning to theaters in the much-anticipated next chapter of their story with Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Over the next 20 weeks, we will celebrate the franchise by looking back and ranking the best of the best moments in Star Wars history.There's no shortage of droids in Star Wars. From the comic books to the videogames, the prequels and all the way back to the original trilogy, droids have played an integral role in the universe. A number of them are among my favorite characters in the franchise.Both the Empire and Rebellion have greatly benefited from droids. They’ve been instrumental in numerous functions, whether performing menial tasks or on the front lines fighting on either side of the battle. Considering how important droids are to the Star Wars universe, it only makes sense to comb the galaxy and create the ultimate ranking of top droids. While it doesn’t include every single droid in Star Wars, I focused on the ones that have left a lasting impression on me.

Here’s my list of the top Star Wars droids!59. Video of VRz9ZsPyHgMT3-H8 appeared in the videogame Knights of the Old Republic.

For a few brief moments the droid follows you dutifully, but once you start to exit the shop where you purchase it, it explodes. All you get is a refund, and the poor droid’s time with you ends before it can even start.

Maybe it’s because we get so little time with T3-H8 that we’re left clamoring for more.57. TT-40This library droid first appeared in the second Black Fleet Crisis novel Shield of Lies. It aided Luke Skywalker as he searched for the Fallanassi. The droid was helpful in narrowing Luke’s search to a city called Sodonna, and that’s about it. However, it remains memorable for earning the name Chuckles from Luke due to its composed personality, especially considering the irony of how humorless Luke seemed when we first met him in A New Hope.56. These two droids appeared in The Han Solo Adventures novels. Bollux carried around his small companion, Blue Max, as they helped Han Solo and Chewbacca on a rescue mission.

Both of these droids have pretty interesting backstories, which makes them that much more interesting. Bollux started as a simple labor droid that ended up developing a personality after never receiving a memory wipe, whereas Blue Max was a former Imperial computer interface unit that ended up in the hands of a bounty hunter. Their collective checkered pasts make this pairing that much more intriguing.53. ZZ-4ZNicknamed ZeeZee, this droid showed up in comics and books. He belonged to the Carida Military Academy dean before leaving with one of the academy’s cadets, Mako Spince.

He fell into the possession of Han Solo thanks to a game of Sabacc on the Smuggler’s Moon Nar Shaddaa. ZeZee was essentially Han’s butler, and if pop culture has taught us anything, it’s that butlers always have some pretty interesting stories to tell. Too bad ZeeZee was destroyed in a firefight between Han and Boba Fett before he got to pen a tell-all.52. FX Medical Assistant. These RA-7 protocol droids were first seen in the corridors of the Death Star during A New Hope. According to The Essential Guide to Droids by Daniel Wallace, the droids were given to Imperial officers and secretly acted as spies.

“So many high-level officials were assigned to the first Death Star that the battle station’s corridors seethed with RA-7s, prompting someone to invent the enduring nickname ‘Death Star Droid.’ When the prodigious superweapon exploded at Yavin, most of the RA-7 series went up with it,” the book states. A memorable, if short existence.49. Dark Trooper.

These super battle droids made their debut in the video game Star Wars: Dark Forces. Somewhat resembling Stormtroopers, they were extremely deadly droids that were a severe threat to the Rebellion.

Kyle Katarn put an end to the Empire’s Dark Trooper project by destroying the starship where the droids were being produced.48/47. R5-D2/R5-G8In the X-Wing novels, R5-D2 belonged to Wedge Antilles, who called it Mynock because of the noises it made.

Apparently, the noises became so grating that Antilles had the poor droid’s memory wiped! It was then renamed R2-G8, or Gate. It hardly seems fair that the poor droid had to have its memory wiped just because Antilles couldn’t handle its unique noises, but such is the life of a droid!46. M-3PO, aka EmtreyAnother droid that appeared in the X-Wing novels was this military protocol droid. Originally built on Hoth, Emtrey was Rogue Squadron’s quartermaster and responsible for getting supplies. For a brief time, Emtrey also kept an eye on Tycho Celchu when he was suspected of being an Imperial Agent. The droid was a valuable part of the squadron in more ways than one.45.

Chroon-Tan B-Machine/EW-3 Midwife Droid. Video of USvHLP7MEdQWhile our heroes are trying to escape the Trade Federation’s blockade in The Phantom Menace, the shield generator on their J-type 327 Nubian is hit and damaged. This activates the ship’s astromechs to try and repair the damage. As we all know, the only one to survive and get the job done is R2-D2, who will be included separately on my list, but I don’t think it’s fair to forget about the other brave astromechs who tried to help. They did their best to repair the damage, even if they were all shot off the ship in the end.38. Video of IdSUKIFnYc8This droid belonged to the bounty hunter Zam Wesell. In Attack of the Clones, Wesell used it to try and assassinate a sleeping Senator Amidala. The attempt failed after Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi arrived in the room and killed its poisonous cargo.

It was then chased by the Jedi on Coruscant and even took Obi-Wan on a ride for a while before ultimately being sacrificed by Wesell, who shot it from the sky.37. I-5YQProtocol droid I-Five appeared in quite a few novels in the Expanded Universe. His story began in the novel Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter when information broker Lorn Pavan acquired him, modified him, and treated him as a friend during their time together. After Darth Maul killed Lorn, the droid’s memory was wiped and he changed hands until appearing as a medical assistant in the MedStar series, where he met Jedi Barriss Offee and eventually began to remember his past. This took him to Coruscant, since Lorn’s son, Jax, had been training as a Jedi. I-Five ends up finding Jax in Coruscant’s undercity, having survived Order 66.

I-Five joins Jax in the Coruscant Nights trilogy and the novel The Last Jedi as they deal with the brand new Empire.36/35. Sparky and CappieThese droids both belonged to Jaina Solo at one point and appeared in The New Jedi Order series. Sparky was an astromech that flew with Solo briefly during the Yuuzhan Vong war, when she was with Rogue Squadron.

Jaina was quite upset when the droid was destroyed in battle. It was replaced with another droid that she nicknamed Cappie in honor of her killed wingmate, Anni Capstan. Unfortunately, Cappie was also destroyed during the war, but both served Jaina well and I remember enjoying their interactions with the Jedi pilot when reading the novels.34. Nanny DroidsThese droids were the ultimate caretakers. With four arms, they could take care of your kids and protect them from danger too thanks to blasters hidden in two of the arms. These types of droids appeared in a few Star Wars books to take care of the Solo children and Ben Skywalker.

These nannies also received some special upgrades. Leia Organa changed one so it would include four hidden blasters to protect her kids while another was combined with a Yuuzhan Vong combat droid to protect Ben.33. Video of ZWoGkrt5UpgWe first meet R4 in Attack of the Clones, when he’s flying with Obi-Wan Kenobi and joins the Jedi on his adventures. It continues serving as the Jedi’s droid until the opening sequence of Revenge of the Sith when it is unlucky enough to encounter some buzz droids who tear its dome off. It seems like a poor end for the loyal droid who only received an “Oh, dear” from Obi-Wan upon its death!28.

Em TeedeeWhen I was a teenager I loved the Young Jedi Knights novels, so Em Teedee became a very familiar droid to me. This small droid acted as a translator for Chewbacca’s nephew, Lowbacca, and had a very unique personality.

Sure, he could be a bit annoying, but C-3PO programmed him, after all. At least he was always there for Lowbacca and even appeared in other books beyond the Young Jedi Knights series until he was destroyed.27. RowdyThis R9 droid belonged to Jaina Solo during the events of the Fate of the Jedi series. What I loved most about this droid was his regularly humorous responses to Jaina while they were flying together. Jaina seemed to think the droid’s jokes were as bad as her brother Jacen’s used to be, but I remember enjoying how the droid’s added sense of humor made the relationship between the two of them more interesting!

I think that, out of all of Jaina’s droids, this one was my favorite.26. Video of Ssnb-eiehooThanks to these droids, even if you lose a hand you’ll be back in tip-top shape in no time! Most are probably familiar with this droid because of how often he had to help Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back. First, he aided Luke after the wampa attack, then he helped Luke after his duel with Darth Vader. I’m pretty sure eventually this droid must have just been annoyed that no matter how often he patched Luke up, he’d quickly be back seeking medical attention. One of these droids also helped Anakin Skywalker during his surgery in Revenge of the Sith.25. Interrogation Droid. Video of yEq8WVojH9UWhen this droid showed up in the first D-Squad episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, I was pretty sure he was going to be my least favorite of the bunch due to his annoying attitude.

Star wars maintenance droid x

However, that changed through the subsequent episodes as he often stood up to Gascon, who I thought was much more annoying due to his treatment of the droids. I enjoyed WAC’s insistence that he was much more than just a pilot, which I think he proved successfully during D-Squad’s mission.19/18. Video of qiIn2QM2sAsThese droids are a staple of the prequel era.

They tend to serve as a form of comic relief in the series with their “Roger, roger” catch phrase. Like the Stormtroopers of the original films, these droids don’t seem to have the best aim in their standard versions. The upgraded, tougher super droids first seen on the big screen in Attack of the Clones, however, were a bit more of a challenge for their opponents.

Either way, the fact that there were so many of them made the battle droids a formidable and dangerous force to deal with despite their flaws.16. Video of k1sF9veTzuUIn Jabba’s Palace, this droid supervisor quickly put C-3PO and R2-D2 to work after the two were brought to it. The droid’s curt attitude with them both showed it meant business and wasn’t going to put up with anything but obedience from the pair. What would happen to them if they did not submit was only punctuated by 8D8 torturing a droid in the background. Even R2’s defiant beeps fell flat when the supervisor’s only response was to increase its height and state, “You’re a feisty little one, but you’ll soon learn some respect.” This was one droid you did not want to cross if you were stuck working for Jabba.15. Video of ieEZuYOPlK4In The Force Unleashed video games, PROXY uses holograms to appear as different characters and at first is always trying to kill the player character, Starkiller. That doesn’t mean he’s not a great companion though!

I think it’s quite a fascinating aspect to the relationship, at least until PROXY’s main programming is erased. Then you really get a sense of the characters as friends though since they stick together despite the years of deadly training and attacks.14. Power Droids. Video of gfbVejZgIeEPart of what’s great about this droid is that actor David Tennant lends his voice to the role. Tennant does a good job of portraying the old droid who helps Jedi in the construction of their lightsabers. Appearing in a few episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, this droid added a new layer of interesting lore to the Jedi mythologyt as he tells the younglings brought to him that he has a record of every saber ever made.

Plus, he’s not bad in a fight. When he says “I’ll continue teaching many a Jedi after you”, it’s hard not to feel sad knowing how wrong he is and I can’t help but wonder what became of him.11. These droids have only just entered the Star Wars universe through Marvel’s Darth Vader comic book series, but I already can’t wait to see more of them! To simplify the pair, you could say they’re kind of like evil versions of C-3PO and R2-D2. Protocol droid Triple Zero loves torture and assassin droid Bee Tee is as deadly as you would expect an assassin to be.

The pair are funny together in their dark way and working with Darth Vader I can only imagine the amazing terrible things they’ll get up to in future issues!8. Video of AuV0zoDnK7gWe’ve only had one season of Chopper so far on Star Wars Rebels, but already he’s one of the most memorable droids in the franchise. It would have been easy to just create another version of R2-D2, but instead Chopper stands out for his grumpy personality and how it often seems like he feels he has better things to do than assist any of the crew on the starship Ghost. Despite this, Chopper is always there for the rebels and is one of the reasons they’ve been as successful as they have been so far.4. Video of jXTGzKkTTLkI know what you’re thinking: “How can R2-D2 not be number one on your list?!” Don’t get me wrong. I love Artoo.

MaintenanceStar Wars Maintenance Droid

He’s basically the hero of the entire saga and I’m pretty sure not many of our other heroes would have survived without him. The little droid seems to have been brave from the very start in The Phantom Menace, so I’m not surprised by everything he’s done throughout the franchise. He’s loyal, funny, and always there for his friends. He’s stuck by Threepio’s side over the years even if the protocol droid doesn’t treat him the best all the time, and must have so much to say since he remembers the entire saga from Episode I to Episode VI. There’s no doubt there’s a lot to love about this droid, which is evident in his large, adoring fanbase.2. Video of EVSm4YdZN8Yes, Threepio is higher on my list than Artoo. I think it’s much harder for the stiff protocol droid to do everything he’s done over the years with his programming.

It helped having Artoo there to push him along the way, but still I think it’s impressive Threepio has done everything he has throughout the saga when he’d probably prefer to be anywhere else in the galaxy. I love how how he interacts with the other characters, particularly his frequent clashes with Han Solo. Despite how much he may get on their nerves, everyone still loves him, which can be clearly seen in how worried they are when he goes missing on Cloud City in The Empire Strikes Back, and how Chewbacca tenderly tries to save and fix him. While Artoo is often the fan favorite, there’s just something about the gold droid that I’ve always loved just a little bit more than the always brave, adorable astromech.1.

Video of Vg1gTas7OAAAs I mentioned before, I have a deep love for the Knights of the Old Republic games. One reason I feel that way is because of their amazing companions, including the unforgettable droid HK-47. Even though HK-47 was an assassin, I always loved keeping this droid at my side as Revan or the Jedi Exile whether I was on the light side or the dark side. The assassin droid was ruthless and funny, spouting so much classic dialogue I can’t list every line I love here. However, some that stood out most were his constantly calling all organics “meatbags” and talking about everyone he’s killed in the past or would like to kill in the present. I can only hope that HK-47 makes an appearance in some film created in the future.

Star Wars Imperial Maintenance Droid

Even if it’s just a walk on role where he blasts everything, disses meatbags, and then walks away disgusted by the other characters, this is a droid that deserves more attention in Star Wars. Sorry, all other droids. Forget a BB-8 toy, someone build me a HK-47 and I’ll line up as long as it takes to buy one.That's our list! What do you think of our choices? Which droids are amoung your favorites in the galaxy? Let us know in the comments!Previously in 20 Weeks of Star Wars.