
Things To Do In Solstheim

15 Things You Never Knew About Skyrim. It's even possible to go on strange and ridiculous quests, like joining the Bard's College, completing tasks for the Gods, and interfering in the lives of vampires. The possibilities are practically endless in the world of Skyrim. No Borders Solstheim. One of the most fun things to do is head directly South East, where you'll find a ruined Vvardenfell - otherwise known as one of the key areas in TES III: Morrowind. Why it was in the game in such a fashion is anybody's guess, but feel free to explore to your heart's content once you've removed the geographical restrictions in place.

  1. Things To Do In Solstheim Near

I like exploring the island, particularly the ashy areas. I also used to not like going to Apocrypha; used to just want to get out as soon as possible, but I've come to enjoy going there anytime the opportunity comes. Would've been even better if you could explore Apocrypha as a whole non-linear plane, out in the open, but it's still good as is.The problem with Solstheim is after you do the main questline and the other bigger quests, there's really nothing left to do and even if you want to stay there, there's just nothing to spend your time doing. I'm currently experiencing that now.

My first couple trips were long stays and I didn't want to leave, but when I go there now, it's like there's nothing to do, so I have to leave. Doesn't help that some dungeons there don't seem to respawn, at least not in my experience, especially with the number of dungeons there being limited as it is. I love it there; great atmosphere, almost as if you're playing a whole different game while there, but I wish they had at least added a few more dungeons.Posts: 3367 Joined: Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:25 pm.

Amnesia through the portal. Stuck In Solstheim!?This is a very small workaround for a problem I, and others, seem to be having. After going to Solstheim I seemed trapped there; fast travel, the boat and coc commands did not work, I always got stuck in an eternal loading screen.

I am faaaaaar too lazy to go through turning mods off and on one at a time to try to find the culprit, besides I like all my mods and Skyrim can stuff itself if it thinks im turning off even one.What this does is give you a trap door at the docks in Raven Rock that goes to a small room. In the room is another trap door that goes through to Candlehearth Hall in Windhelm. This is a one way trip, you will have to take the boat as normal to get back to Solstheim.I tried having go it straight onto the docks at Windhelm but that seemed inconsistent, worked once, couldn't get it to work again. Tried having the door go into the East Empire Company but once again the game didn't seem to like loading Skyrim all at once.So here we are, with a three to four loading screen solution so Skyrim doesn't panic too much when it sees you coming.Good Luck!Please note, this probably won't work for everyone. This works for me but who knows what the hell Skyrim does and doesn't like when it comes to mods. If someone comes up with suggestions to improve this half-arsed hack job of a mod then I will do my best.THINGS TO TRY BEFORE DL'ING:Sauce:mods reported to possibly cause the travel problem:Quoted from slbrgt (thanks bud!):'I fiddeled around a bit with my load order and found that moving the companion esp's of WOME, Khaleesi and Tauriel to a position BELOW AFT, solved all problems for me (fast travel as well as doors to other cells).' It has been reported that removing Script Dragon and Tu'umic Shouter have worked and travel has been normal afterwards.

What to do in solstheim after defeating miraakSolstheimSolstheim

Things To Do In Solstheim Near

(This particular method did not work for me, probably because of remaining Script Dragon reliant mods)A forumite removed the Apocalypse Spell package and reported successful travel afterwards.Other things to try:Try a COC command in the console. Simply type 'coc whiterun' (without quotes) into the console.

If you successfully travel to Skyrim with this method I recommend it over any mods.Another forumite has reported removing a section from his Skyrim.ini, another deleting it entirely has done the trick.