
House Fallout New Vegas

  1. Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough

Contents Background BiographyBorn on June 25, (261 years old) to a wealthy Nevada tool magnate, Robert Edwin House was orphaned at an early age when his parents died in a freak accident involving an autogyro and a lightning strike. Cheated out of his inheritance by his half-brother, he nevertheless attended the, and later went on to found in his hometown of Las Vegas at the age of 22. It would soon become one of the most profitable corporations in the world, owing mostly to House's considerable technical genius and business acumen. He used the wealth and power to gain controlling interests in myriad other businesses. These included, the on, and perhaps, most personally, the - the family business usurped by his greedy half-brother (although curiously, the factory on the outskirts of Vegas was still under his brother's control in ).A staunch pragmatist by nature, Mr. House would regularly design and run mathematical simulations based on global political and socio-economic conditions in an effort to predict future events.

By, these projections led him to the inexorable conclusion that the world would be engulfed in a nuclear war within fifteen years. Worse still, his contacts within the military informed him that seventy-seven Chinese warheads were aimed at his beloved Las Vegas. Armed with this knowledge and his projections, House went to work on a secret plan to ensure the city would survive this apocalypse and that he would live to see the world after the war. He programmed multiple mainframes with satellite links meant to disable the vast majority of the Chinese missiles while in flight, then designed an array of high powered laser cannons, which he had installed on the roof of the Lucky 38, to deal with any missile his program had missed. To preserve himself, he took equally drastic steps: his body was permanently connected to an extremely sophisticated life support device named a ' to take care of his physiological needs, while his brain was wired directly into his vast information network via an enormous supercomputer.


Essentially, he became a one-of-a-kind humanoid brain bot, with the and an army of serving as his 'body.' An integral element of his plan was the, which in reality was a combination access card and high capacity data storage device, containing a massive OS upgrade for his Securitrons and the laser defense network. The chip was to be delivered in the afternoon of October 23, 2077. Unfortunately, about 20 hours before delivery, the began. The chip was lost and was rediscovered over 200 years later in by some of the multiple scavengers hired by House. Forced to work with an inferior version of the OS, he has suffered numerous system crashes and was even forced into a coma by one of the failures before being able to reboot an earlier, stable version.House regained consciousness in. Biding his time, he entered the world stage once again in 2274, when Securitrons under his command emerged from the.

This action was prompted by the arrival of scouts at. In order to establish his rule, he enlisted the help of tribes living in (later known as the Three Families) and rebuilt the city just in time to welcome the arrival of the 's advance forces. In exchange for help with and permission to use the as its headquarters, House signed the, ensuring cooperation from and, for a time, protecting from annexation.Post-war status. House is the mysterious overlord of the Strip.

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Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough

There are several houses you can get in fallout new Vegas, there's one at the lucky 38 casino (that Mr. House gives you), there's one at the tops casino (after you kill Benny you get the key to. Page 1 of 2 - Is House good or bad? - posted in New Vegas Discussion: Howdy pardners! This is my first post so i'd like to start by saying that my english is not the best so try not to laugh if you find stupid errors. Basically my question is what's on the title, is Mr. House a bad or good 'guy'? If you dont have problems with any possible spoilers than read click on the spoiler.

He controls his small empire from the confines of the Lucky 38 casino, where no other living person has set foot for over two hundred years. ” —House lives in the and is in charge of the that roam New Vegas. At some point after emerging from stasis, House won the leadership of in a bet, stripped it of all useful technology, and then planned to permanently seal the Vault away by filling it with cement. At the pleadings of he left the top section of Vault 21 as it used to be, and she converted it into a hotel (all the casino equipment was already there from the vault experiment).Mr. House is also extremely interested in the collectible and he will pay handsomely for each.

The snow globes can be given to in exchange for 2,000 each. Snow globes found in , ( ), ( ) and ( ) will automatically be removed from the player character's inventory and replaced with 2,000 caps (except for snow globe - Sierra Madre Casino, it adds 2,000.) Once the has sold a snow globe to Jane it is placed on display (on a mantle) in the. However, if you kill Mr. House the snow globes will stay in your inventory and Jane will disappear.HealthMr. House is extremely physically decrepit and can only live inside a self-contained life support unit.

The Courier has the opportunity to break through his security and see his true form. However, opening his isolation chamber, even for a second, means that Mr. House will not live more than a year due to exposure to outside contaminants. House is a very reclusive individual, although this is largely due to his own machinations and technical ingenuity, allowing himself to be sealed in his own.

His inability to allow all his life's work to be ruined by what he sees as the wrath and folly of a jingoistic and increasingly unstable world has cemented, in his mind, the fate of democracy and human civilization itself. His contempt for most post-apocalyptic institutions is a result of what he sees as humanity's inability to learn from its past mistakes, instead putting blind faith in reckless expansionism and excessive warfare to bring back the Old World.His own strategies and decisions are largely based on mathematical calculations, giving him a high sense of confidence and self-importance in carrying out his. He sees himself as an autocrat, view.

There are two 'homes'. When you reach Novac, there is a Motel room you can rent, which is safe to store stuff and rest in, and if you complete the quest by accusing the actual perpetrator, you'll receive it permanently at no charge.Further along the main quest, once you reach The Strip, you'll be given access to the Presidential Suite at the Hotel and Casino. This functions more like the house you gained in FO3, in that when you dismiss companions, you can have them wait for you in the Suite, and you can purchase various 'upgrades' to add more style and functionality to the apartment. There are also several mods that add additional crafting resources or other customizations, if you're playing on the PC.