
Fist Of The First Men

The Fist of the First Men is an ancient ringfort atop a hill in the far North, beyond the Wall. The Fist of the First Men is a landmark in the wilderness beyond the Wall. It is an ancient ring fort located at the crown of a defensible round hill with an excellent view of the surrounding countryside. Ranging parties from the Night's Watch use it to orient themselves and also as a possible.

So we finally saw the ancient stronghold in the show. Very epic I thought. As Sam said, beautiful views, even if they are equally deadly.Couldn't help but compare it to my own imagination and how it's current location will affect the story.Firstly, it seems to be more of a mountain than a hill.


There is a sheer drop on one side meaning there will only be one direction from which you can enter and exit the stronghold. When the wights attack the encampment later on, how will Sam etc flee if there is only one way they can go? Down the sheer cliff face?Yeah, I never expected it to be that tall. A certain fan artist would disagree with me though:Looks kind of similar to the TV fortress.I always imagined a fortress in amongst the woods upon a small but imposing hill. Something like a Norman motte and bailey as we'd see them in our own times, aged and ruinous. Something like this:Or this:Or this:But obviously with more snow etc.Just some observations. What did everybody else think of the show's Fist?

I think it was beautiful. It's supposed to be in a thick forest (that Jon thought looked like an enemy army ready to storm the hill) as mentioned, and the white walkers never left the forest in the books. They kept hidden among the trees.

Fist Of The First Men Episode

And in the books, on the top of the fist the brothers kept fires alive for all the north to see, which could be significant?The cloak bundle Ghost found for Jon found was new, in a newly dug hole that looked like a shallow grave. Important?In the show it seems like a very weird place to choose to build camp since it is not explained why Mormont chose that place specifically.