
Best New Vegas Quests

Once you side with a faction you can change to another factions quest arc, only if you have not progressed down the preceding factions quests to the point that you fail the other quest arcs from gaining infamy. For more information on the scenarios surrounding the endings of the game, see Fallout: New Vegas endings. 81 rows  Once you side with a faction you can change to another factions quest arc, only if you have.

  1. Best New Vegas Quests Locations
  2. New Vegas Best Side Quests
  3. Best New Vegas Quests In Order

Salt Lake Stories is a mod that has been in development since 2010. Building off of the stories from the Honest Hearts DLC, Salt Lake Stories adds a large world space centered around the Great Salt Lake, with 38 Quests and 50,000+ pieces of dialogue.

The mod features some adult content, and is mostly based on files from Van Buren, the unreleased third Fallout game from Black Isle studios, before the franchise came under Bethesda’s wing.One of the developer’s interesting choices involving the mod was the choice to remove quest markers, as well as blatantly obvious quest direction, forcing players to explore the world to solve their problems, which was something the original Fallout games implemented very well, with things such as the final encounter with The Master in Fallout having multiple non-violent solutions. A second large choice is a removal of larger action sequences. For the most part, Bethesda’s Fallout games take a less nuanced approach to interactions, meaning that more often then not you will end up fighting people to get your way. Fallout: New Vegas does a good job of adding some ways to get around more violent encounters with various skill checks, but Nexus user Yossarian22 has taken it a step further. Although the mod maker is not a native English speaker, and the mod takes some interesting design choices, Salt Lake Stories was one of the top rated mods of Feb.

2018 on the Fallout: Vegas Mod Nexus.Download Salt Lake StoriesThis post was originally written by Tyler Krasnai. Have you ever felt like throwing grenades or using a meat cleaver on your enemies should do a little more than just lower their health bar?

New vegas side quests

Then you need Live Dismemberment. This mod, one of the top rated mods for May 2018 on the Fallout: New Vegas Mod Nexus, allows you to dismember your opponents before killing them.

This is a concept that appears in Fallout 4 when fighting Feral Ghouls and Robots, when you cripple their limbs, they are removed or visibly destroyed. Live Dismemberment adds distinct effects depending on what limbs are removed. For example, if you manage to cut off or blow off someone’s leg, they would fall to the ground, being forced to crawl.The developer of Live Dismemberment recommends that anyone who downloads this mod should also consider getting an older mod,. The mod BLEED, originally released in 2015, but updated most recently in February 2018, completely alters the way damage is dealt by weapons, making them much more life-like in their destructive power.

Live Dismemberment is for. While the Mojave Wasteland is an inhospitable desert full of violent wildlife, murderous raiders, and plenty of other dangers, many people felt the world was too empty when New Vegas released. The Living Desert completely changes that by adding hundreds of NPCs, scripted events, and quest-related events to the game. The entire wasteland feels so much more populated, and the NCR-Legion conflict looms ever closer with the addition of new spawn locations for NCR Troopers and Legionaries, especially at certain locations where their spawns pit them directly into a skirmish.Not only does this mod flesh out the wasteland with a cast of extra faces, but it also adds many events that are linked to quest outcomes. There are quests now that, if you fail them or resolve them in a way that a certain faction does not like, you will find yourself hunted down by a squad of assassins, determined to put down Courier 6 before they can do any more harm.Overall, the mod adds incredible depth to the wasteland, and sometimes truly displays the consequences of certain quest outcomes. Doing things for the NCR that directly hurt the Legion can spawn Legion hit squads, or working helping factions regain a foothold in the wasteland can set up checkpoints or prepare ambushes for their enemies.

The Living Desert mod is available now on the. One of Fallout’s defining features is the idealistic 1950’s vision of the future melded with the post-apocalyptic. In this sci-fi future, energy weapons such as laser rifles and plasma pistols are a powerful commodity. While the Photon Laser Weapons mod may not be the most lore-friendly weapons mod, the weapons added are an absolute delight.A laser bullpup PDW, a laser bolt action rifle, and a laser pump-action shotgun allow you to take on the dangers of the Mojave with a new, energetic gusto. Blast your way through Legionaries with the powerful shotgun, or pick off enemies with the bolt action rifle, or fight your way through hordes of feral ghouls with the Laser PDW.If you’re interested in the Photon Laser Weapon Pack, check it out. In a similar vein to The Living Desert, Mojave Wildlife adds many spawns into the world for various animals. With over 100 new spawns for vanilla wildlife based on cut content, the world becomes full of life.

A lot of very dangerous, angry life that will attempt to kill you on sight. This, combined with mods like The Living Desert take what many considered to be a scarcely populated region and turn it into something full of humanity and rich, varied wildlife.

Best New Vegas Quests Locations

If only it were that simple; however, because nearly everything in the wasteland will at least attempt to kill you.Mojave Wildlife also utilizes unused leveled lists from the game, which introduces varying levels of difficulty to what you face depending on the area, rather than your level. It not only has options to change how the spawns work, choosing between the system used in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, but also allows you to choose between random spawning events, called Chanced Spawns. These, the mod creator believe, are a reason that the game often feels sparse. Most of the creature spawn locations in the base F:NV game have a chance of spawning a creature, rather than simply spawning them when you arrive in that location. This mod allows you to toggle these spawns, meaning that if something can spawn, it will.Mojave Wildlife is available now, download it. The GECK Extender isn’t a mod for players as much as a mod for other modders.

Sometimes, you encounter a mod with a vague name, something that intrigues you into clicking on it. Simple Hotkeyed Weapon Scrolling is not that kind of mod. This is a basic, single script which adds something into the game that should have been in the game from the beginning.If you have weapons selected in you favorite sl0ts, which are connected to hotkeys, this mod allows you to simply scroll through them, rapidly changing your weapons much like you can in games like Half-Life 2 or Fortnite.You can Simple Hotkeyed Weapon Scrolling now. Similarly to the Simple Hotkeyed Weapon Scrolling mod, the Well Rested Overhaul is something that just makes sense for the game, although it was much more complex to introduce. The mod completely alters the way that the Well Rested buff, a buff you traditionally earn for sleeping in beds you own or have rented. The overhaul changes how long the buff lasts, where it can be applied, and what effects it adds.Traditionally, the buff always lasts for 12 in-game hours, regardless of how long you rest. On top of this, the buff normally only adds a 10 percent increase to earned experience, which is a great buff until you reach the maximum level and experience has no meaning.

This overhaul mod changes all of this. Not only does the buff’s duration depend on how long you’ve slept (at least, up to a solid eight hours), but it also adds bonuses such as a 10% increase to your weapon accuracy, attack speed, and AP regeneration rate. Lastly, the mod takes advantage of the games several sex scenes. Traditionally, the game simply fades to black and advances the clock a few hours.

With this overhaul, these now apply the status of sleeping (something very important for Hardcore Players who need to focus on things like Sleep Deprivation and Dehydration), as well as apply well rested for shorter periods due to the shortened periods of the scenes.You can download the Well Rested Overhaul.Are there any mods that you think need to be on here? Alternatively, any mods that you think shouldn’t have been listed? Talk about it in the comments below!

Mod aiming to make Fallout: New Vegas a more interesting - eventually more challenging - but surely more fun experience for you. Created by the team responsible for the Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition (FWE), we're leaving the barren DC wasteland behind and move on west to new, exciting regions. Project Nevada is not an overhaul, instead it's organized as a set of themed modules. Each module can address different aspects of the game and target different audiences, but they are also designed to work in conjunction. Our vision is to allow players picking the modules they want and using them together with any mod they like, instead of forcing them to make the all-or-nothing choice.

Short descriptions of all current modules:. Core module - the foundation of Project Nevada, and as such required by all other modules. Cyberware - Even though humanity nuked itself back into the Stone Age, you don't have to fight with sticks and stones. Some of man's most advanced technological creations have been preserved - and the Cyberware module gives you the chance to obtain them!. Rebalance - This module aims to bring back the challenge and balance known from Fallout3 Wanderers Edition and includes many tweaks to the FNV gameplay and difficulty. Equipment module - brings new weapons and armor to the Mojave Wasteland.by.

'New Vegas Bounties I' is the first installment in a planned series for Fallout: New Vegas. Upon initiating the quest, you'll be tasked with tracking down the most malevolent and vile assortment of outlaws in the Mojave Wasteland.Your targets will include rogue rangers, fiends, raiders, drug smugglers, cannibals, and pistoleros, to name a few. Your opponents are all designed to be boss-caliber, akin to the fiends in 'Three-Card Bounty', and become gradually more difficult as you progress.

At its core, New Vegas Bounties is an action mod; extreme violence and profanity are ubiquitous. In lieu of mind-boggling puzzles or 'go collect x or y resource'-type quests, you will be confronted with dangerous opponents who are designed to frustrate and kill you. You will be harried, ambushed, outnumbered, and outgunned. This is the path of a bounty hunter - take it or leave it.by. This mod adds more versatile weather effects to the Mojave. Weather effects include Sandstorms, Rain, Rainstorms, RADstorms (make sure you got Rad-X), Thunderstorms (with/without rain) and snow at appropriate areas. The Mod adds more than 320 new cloud- and weather variants to the game.

Sunrises and sunsets have been tweaked for more diversity, and nights are darker and do look more like real nights. Additional changes to the environmental light appearance to support the weather appearance and the mood they create. Bloom effect reworked to reduce NPC and player figure glow appearance. Also this weather mod provides you with a large amount of special weather themes, that create a unique and new feeling to the game and can be activated as standalone or as part of the main climate. Some of those moods have special effects such as snow, icestorms, toxicstorms and firestorms.by. My Weapon Mod Kits (WMK) mod for Fallout 3 was the inspiration for Obsidian's implementation of the weapon modding system in Fallout New Vegas; something which I am quite proud of and flattered. I like Obsidian's take on it; enough that I wanted to add to it.

'expand' upon it, you might say. The Mod Configuration Menu (MCM) is a resource for other mods to use which adds a 'Mod Configuration' button to the Pause menu. When you click on it, a window appears with a list of all of the mods using MCM. Each of these listed mods are then configured from within the same menu. As can be seen in the screenshots, a very user-friendly menu allows you to quickly and confidently configure your mods. You won't have to use any items or press any special keys to use it. For modders wanting to use MCM menus for their mods, a detailed guide is given explaining how.

New Vegas Best Side Quests

Mods using MCM only require MCM to be installed and activated to use the menu; there is no master dependency to the system, so your mod will still work if the user doesn't have MCM installed.by. Adds 114 intense locations to the wasteland filled with enemies and loot. They vary from small Gas Stations to huge maze-like sewers and derelict factories. Adds several days of new gameplay possibilities. A massive new linked Underground complex awaits filled with quests, NPCs with dialogue, vendors and some of the toughest enemies you will encounter anywhere in the game.

Best New Vegas Quests In Order

Also adds many modified weapons, armors and items to the game with enhanced stats to help and hinder you throughout. Everything has been done using vanilla content at this stage so the filsesize should still be tiny. That said everything is complete and navmeshed and there should be no gaps or unfinished interiors. The final version will not have a name change (I changed my mind about that) so it’s gonna be called a Preview forever. Note about Loot: This mod adds quite a lot of loot (though much less than older versions). If you don't like finding lots of useful stuff in most AWOP locations then get the Low Loot patches from the patches site. Also if you are concerned that having about 300 extra NPCs in the wasteland will slow your computer down too much grab the LowNPCs Patch (also on the AWOP Patches Site) which removes all but about 15 AWOP NPCs (from exteriors only and removes no-one important or with dialogue).by and jonnyeah.

Many of you may remember semi-cosmic, nearly phenomenal mod for FO3 entitled EVE:Energy Visuals Enhanced. Well EVE is back! This time its built again from the ground up, but most importantly it covers ALL KINDS of visuals: critical kill scenes (via energy weapons), bullet weapon impacts (water jumps, blood squirts, ect), unrivaled energy weapon textures/meshes, new explosions, custom HD impacts, dazzling particles, static mesh animations, character reactions and more.by This is a pack release containing all my New Vegas weapon retextures. This will be periodically updated but not necessarily immediately after I release something new. Read more.by.